Friday, June 22, 2007

Good Boss, Bad Boss

This appeared in an article in Psychology Today:

Rapport with the boss largely predicts risk for depression and other psychiatric problems in the workplace, says Brad Gilbreath, a researcher at Indiana University-Purdue University in Fort Wayne. In his study of employees across many work sectors, published in the journal Work and Stress, Gilbreath found that a worker's relationship with his boss is nearly equal in importance to his relationship with his spouse when it comes to overall well-being. Even friendly coworkers or a rewarding occupation cannot compensate for a negative relationship with the boss.

Surveys show that up to half of all workers have a shaky, if not downright miserable, relationship with their supervisors. According to a recent Gallup poll, a bad relationship with the boss is the number one reason for quitting a job. Supervisor problems outpace all other areas of worker dissatisfaction, including salary, work hours or day-to-day duties. The Gallup report puts it emphatically, "Employees leave supervisors, not companies."

How workers feel about their managers even affects physical health. Nadia Wager, a psychologist at Buckinghamshire Chilterns University College in the U.K., documented what many beleaguered wage slaves already know: Hatred for the boss makes the blood boil.

To read the rest of the article go here.

There are many points that I think are valuable here, but I'll just look at two of them. First, if you are a supervisor, you must realize the incredible influence you have over others' lives (we all have influence, but your position gives even more influence). Are you a positive influence for Christ?

Second, if you work for a boss who is not a positive influence, should you quit? I don't necessarily think so. God may have you there so that you can be a witness to others of how to handle adversity. When they ask, "How can you remain so calm?", you can be ready to answer them. 1 Peter 3:15b says, Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give a reason for the hope that you have.

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