Monday, June 25, 2007


My wife, Connie and I just returned from an amazing 5 day trip to California. We went there for the wedding of her niece, Jonelle which was in Lake Tahoe. I had never been to Lake Tahoe before and I was not expecting the incredible beauty that is all around there.

The wedding ceremony was on the side of a mountain overlooking the lake (see picture above) - very picturesque. The ceremony was not only memorable because of the setting but because of the fact that one of the guest's dogs (why they had dogs there I don't know, but hey, it's California) walked between the bride and groom while they were reciting their vows.

This may happen frequently out there, but this was a first for me. The cool part of this was the fact that neither Jonelle nor Willie (the bride and groom) were fazed. They kept on and remained calm as though nothing were happening. Very cool.

It reminded me of what an impact we can have on others in our places of work. When we are calm in the midst of chaos, we are set apart - people take notice. They might even ask us how we are able to be so calm. That is an open door to tell them how God is working in our life.

Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect. 1 Peter 3:15

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