Wednesday, July 11, 2007

One Bite at a Time

Can I brag about my wife Connie for a second?

She has been dreading "de-junking" our house (getting rid of all the "stuff" that has accumulated over the years) - it was overwhelming. As a result she has been putting it off for, oh... about 3 years. Well, this past weekend she started. She has been really motivated and she is making great progress. I am very proud of her!

When I asked her what got her going, she said she finally realized she needed to just take the first step. What she found is that each next step continued to be easier. That is true with any big job. I have heard it said that the best way to eat an elephant (a really big job) is one bite at a time!

What is really cool about this is what Connie said last night. She said, "I feel great about the progress I've made."

If your feeling down or you don't feel like doing something, there is one thing that will surely pick you up - action. Just get started, you will be amazed at how it makes you feel!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have several tasks like that I've been avoiding. Thanks, Connie, for the inspiration to take the first bite!