Tuesday, August 14, 2007

The Secret to Life

In an article in Christian Business Daily, Gerald Chester writes about some authors who wrote a book titled, Success Built to Last. In the book they state that the secret of life is really quite simple—it is serving people by doing what you have a passion to do.

Chester continues that:

Since we are created beings, a person’s passions, unimpaired by sin, must be created as well. If God is both strategic and intentional about how He creates, then a person’s passions are precisely what he or she needs to accomplish his or her divinely ordained purpose. It follows then that the greatest need of any created being is to discover the Creator and then to discover the Creator's reason for creating that person.

This implies that at the most fundamental level the secret of life is to serve others by using our divinely ordained passions to help others discover their divinely ordained life purposes.

Good stuff. I encourage you to click here to read the entire article.

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