Monday, March 23, 2009

It's All A Matter Of Perspective

A couple of days ago in a post titled Rejoice When?, I shared about a cat of ours who seems to have a good time regardless of his circumstances. I related this to the apostle Paul who instructed us to rejoice always, even if things aren't going our way.

As I was working out in our basement this morning I was thinking about this same cat of ours. He had gotten locked in the basement on Sunday for at least a few hours. When we found him, he was lying on our ping pong table as content as could be...not worried, not stressing but simply relaxing. It was as if he was saying, "Hi guys. Hey, could you keep it down? I'm trying to take a nap."

This got me thinking about my post from last week. I was taken to a comment that was left by Michelle Corbett who said this:

I wonder if I could write a blog post about what I learn from my cat breaking absolutely everything valuable in my house (from spilling water on my laptop to busting the table and making a special lamp fall to the ground). Yesterday I came home to her standing in a pile of curtains she had pulled to the ground. Hmmmm. I'll have to think about this. ( :

I responded with a comment saying that I would find it hard to rejoice if that happened to me also. But this morning something was not sitting right with me about my response.

Paul wrote his words about "rejoicing always" while he was locked in a cold, grimy prison cell. I know he would have found a way to rejoice had his cat done this to his house, but how?

I came to the conclusion that Paul probably would have responded in this way:

"Oh, you darn cat! Oh well, I am so thankful I have a laptop that could have water spilled on it. I am so thankful to have curtains my cat can tear down. Thank you Lord for the house I have that I get to clean up!"

As tough as we might think this is to respond like this, when you really think about it, it's really only a matter of perspective.


Anonymous said...

Hey Jim. Michele here. So excited my cat made a stranger's blog post. It's like she's a celebrity!

Every time she breaks something, I can't help but just love her. She is so sweet. Looks a lot like your tabby. Her name is The Duchess, but I'm thinking of changing it to Monkey.

Speaking of perspective, you have to check out this clip posted on my blog. It's hilarious!

sharilyn said...

ah yes... THIS is why i write my blog, especially the gratitude posts!--to keep my mind fixed on where i can find reminders of the BLESSINGS in my life. my last gratitude post contained "dirty dishes" and "dentists"...because they mean(respectively) i had food to eat and teeth! :)

Jim Lange said...

Michelle, yes, your cat is now a celebrity! Thanks for the material! Your video IS hilarious--thanks for sharing! Perfect timing on the perspective topic, huh?

Sharilyn, thanks for checking in. You are so right. We should be grateful in all circumstances because we truly have so much!