Wednesday, October 07, 2009


ax⋅i⋅om  [ak-see-uhm]–noun
1. a self-evident truth that requires no proof.
2. a universally accepted principle or rule.

I have become a big fan of axioms. I think I've always liked them but I've become more aware of their power after reading Bill Hybels' book Axiom.

Fortunately, as Chapter President for Truth at Work I am in an environment in which I get to hear new axioms regularly. Here are a few from recent roundtable meetings:

* When you live your life by principles, you have very few decisions to make.
* Transformation begins with a profound relationship with the way it is.
* The answer to the “how” is saying “yes” to God.
* Tomorrow never comes.
* Good management is truth, not avoidance.

I came across the above video and I loved it because it has some really good axioms we can live our life by. I hope you enjoy!

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