Dean, our pastor, shared with us that being baptized is not only a command of Jesus, but it is much like a passport. It publicly identifies Who we belong to. Going under water also symbolizes us dying to sin and emerging from the water is symbolic of us being resurrected as a new creation in Christ--a fresh start!
At the conclusion of each of our three services, we got to hear testimonies from those being baptized of what God has done in their lives and we got to celebrate with them as they got "dunked." I love the way this is done at Crossroads as each person's testimony is read so we get to see the transformational power of Christ in each person. It is always very cool and today was no exception. Today, there were a total of twelve who did this.
The best part though was what happened at the end of each of the services. Dean invited anyone who was feeling the tug of God to be obedient to that prompting and come forward to be baptized themselves (with no preparation at all other than a change of clothes). In all, there were 19 or 20 additional people baptized! While we didn't get to hear their testimonies, God moving in this way was the best testimonial of all. Yea God!
This not only was a tremendous day for those 31 or 32 lives who will forever be changed. It was also a big day for the rest of us as who have asked Jesus to be the leader of our lives as we were reminded that we are all new creations in Him!