Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Comparing to Others

I wrote in one of my last newsletters about feeling like I did not belong on my college basketball team. We had some great players on our team and I sometimes felt like I didn't measure up. I went on to write that we all have gifts and we are to use them to serve God. We are not to compare ourselves to others (which I was doing).

Well, I am in beautiful Marco Island, Florida this morning and I am preparing to speak at a prayer breakfast for a hardware convention. At dinner last night the organizer mentioned to me that past speakers at this event have included Zig Ziglar and Dr. Norman Vincent Peale.

I had those feelings all over again...those feelings of "So why am I speaking here? I can't measure up to these giants."

As I prepare for this morning I am taking my own advice. I am going to do the best I can and do it for God.

1 comment:

Jim said...

Good luck Jim I'm sure you'll give the people what God intended. Thanks for leading the mens group at Crossroads.