Monday, November 17, 2008

Extreme Comfort Zones

Jackie, center, and Aaron Frisch, and family and friends watch
the building of their home on TV at Whitmer High School.

I am so proud of two people this morning.

First, my daughter Molly. For whatever reason, she has been apprehensive about getting a job. Yesterday, she had an interview which apparently went well. As she was walking to her car in the parking lot afterwards, she received a call saying that she was hired. Way to go Mol!

Also yesterday, my wife, Connie and I attended a party for the Extreme Home Makeover project which was done in Toledo in September and aired nationally on ABC last night. It was a very cool night.

As I sat there watching it, I reflected back to a lunch I had with Tim Schlachter, a good friend of mine and Truth At Work member. Tim is co-owner of Buckeye Real Estate Group. He was telling me about a phone call he received from ABC, I believe the day before our lunch, asking him if he would consider heading up the project. Without hesitating, Tim said yes which surprised ABC.

This wasn’t just some token position which would allow Tim to be on national TV, this required a monumental effort to pull this off. He had to raise all the funds for the building of this 5,000 square feet house, put a volunteer crew of 4,000 people in place, schedule that crew, level an old house and build a new one in less than seven days. I am sure this made Tim a little uncomfortable. But, they pulled it off…and they did it very well!

Because Molly broke through her comfort zone, she can now be used by God in her new workplace and I am convinced she will be blessed.

Because Tim chose to do the uncomfortable and risky thing, he was used by God in an amazing way and his leadership has helped to change our city.

That is why I am so proud of Molly and Tim. It takes courage to break out of your comfort zone, but they both chose to do that and that is when growth happens.

So the question is…what are you going to do this week to break out of your comfort zone?

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