Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Our Work - God's Work

I received this in a devotional sent to me from my church today:

We were not saved so that we could then go out and prove ourselves worthy. Instead, we were saved and given the gift of worthiness by grace so that we would be freed to fulfill the workmanship that God intended all along. Our work has nothing to prove. We work under grace. Our work is good not because of what it does, but because of who designed it. My competencies are God's workmanship in me. He wants me to use them. He expects me to "walk in them." Doing that is a "good" even if it does not fit into our warped legalistic preconceptions of spiritual significance. The last thing He had in mind giving them to me was to put me under a guilt trip. Grace, not legalism, should define our work.

So often I hear people say how great it would be to be in full-time ministry. Well guess what? We all ARE in full time ministry. What we do everyday, day in and day out has eternal ramifications. There are so many who do not know Christ that you interact with everyday. You may have been placed in their path to show them the love of Christ so that they may come to know Him.

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