Wednesday, April 16, 2008

You Know You're A Bad Boss When...

"Whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant? as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve." (Matthew 20:26-28)

This morning in a devotional I read the above verse. Then I read a fun article in the Syracuse Post-Standard that shared in a Jeff Foxworthy-like manner, ways in which you know you’re a bad boss.

I found it interesting how almost each of their points that showed you to be a bad boss showed the opposite of servant-hood. See if you agree:

You know you're a bad boss:

If you prefer to email your employees rather than face to face meetings, even though your office is within 10 feet of their just might be a bad boss.

If you treat your employees like your 12 year old daughter, you are definitely a bad boss.

If you believe that your way is the only way a job can be done, you're a bad boss.

If you observe your employees sharing the phone number of a good employment attorney, you might be a bad boss.

If you copy and paste text from last year's performance appraisal into this year's, you're most assuredly a bad boss.

If your employee cuts and pastes your picture into a cartoon with hunting trophies on the wall, you just might be a bad boss.

If you see a copy of "How to work for a J3rk" on your employee's desk, you might be a bad boss.

If your employees have a mirror on their desk to make sure they see you approaching, you are likely a bad boss.

If you have an "open door" policy, but your office is usually empty, you're a bad boss.

If you leave to play golf at 3, but write someone else up for doing the very same thing, you're a bad boss.

If you have ever been quoted "if you don't like it, become familiar with the words "you want fries with that", you just might be a bad boss.

If you have ever referred to your employees as "worker bees" you're a bad boss.

If you want to read about a terrible boss I had that led to something really cool, go here.

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