Wednesday, April 15, 2009

100 - 0

I read the story a couple months ago about the girls basketball team from a Dallas Christian high school who beat their opponent 100 - 0. I immediately thought that the coach had run up the score and was deserving of being fired as he was.

Yesterday, I saw the above report on ESPN. My mind was changed immediately. I now feel totally different.

A couple of days ago I was talking with a friend of mine who was talking about the concept that "everyone gets a trophy" and how that is impacting our society. I agree with him. When I was growing up, we had to try out to make the baseball and basketball team in grade school. Today, everyone must play and must play in equal amounts.

I am all for people being allowed to try new things and this has provided opportunity for many to experience things they otherwise would not have. I simply wonder if this is right. Are we teaching these kids about life? Are we teaching them how to handle disappointment?

I believe that the national outcry against this coach is a product of this mentality. Society says that we should never allow another team to get beat so badly. Good sportsmanship would tell us the same thing.

The thing I like about the interview with this coach is that he admitted he would do things differently. He would have held the ball or asked to have the score turned off. I like his willingness to admit that he may not have handled things appropriately. However, I wonder what that would have done to the other team. Would that have robbed them of more of their dignity?

Just some random thoughts. What do you think?

"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."
John 16:33

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