Thursday, May 14, 2009

A Mist

I got this neat tool sent to me in an email that calculates your life expectancy based on a set of health and lifestyle related questions (click here to access it). It is pretty neat from the standpoint that you can see what types of things in your life have the ability to make you more or less healthy and how that can relate to your life expectancy.

Looking at this stuff is great; however, we are not even promised our next breath let alone X number of years. James tells us, “Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes.” (James 4:14)

How true. Regardless of how long our life is, it is so short when viewed from eternity. I have heard it said time and time again that a person on their deathbed will not say, “I wish I had closed one more sale” or “I wish I had spent more time at work.” No, if they have regrets, those regrets will more than likely be centered on their relationships. They will have wanted to spend more time with those they love.

Relationships are what truly matter. So since our life is but a mist, let’s make the most of our time here and sow into the lives of others!

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