Friday, May 29, 2009

Reluctant Traveler

I am thinking about trying to get ready for a trip I'm taking this weekend to Hong Kong. I have mentioned this to a few people and they all say something like, "How exciting!" or "That is so cool!"

Well, to be honest with you, I am not excited about it. I am going because I believe that God wants me to go. I know I should probably be pumped about it, but that is not the case.

I am attending the international congress for Call2All which is a movement to network, train and focus the body of Christ to fulfill the Great Commission, which is very exciting.

So, why am I not excited? I have been wrestling with that question myself. Perhaps it is because I am concerned about my comfort (over 20 hours of flying plus jet lag). Or is it because I have a lot of stuff going on here that I want to take care of? Maybe it's because I don't truly know my role in Call2All and this is taking me way outside my comfort zone. It could be that I don't feel worthy to participate. It's possible it is all of the above! In any event, I'm not fired up at the moment.

However, one thing I can say is that I'm expecting great things from God during our time in Hong Kong. So, can you do me a favor? Can you pray for me and the other attendees (representatives from over 100 countries) for safe travel, for protection for our families at home and that God would show up in a big way and guide each of us exactly where He wants us? Thanks!


sharilyn said...

you got it!! :) praying for God's best for you and all there... and for surprisingly easy and safe travel!

Jim Lange said...

Thank you Sharilyn--I so appreciate it!

Todd M said...

Hi Jim,

I will be praying for your trip and Call 2 All. Just stumbled across your blog today and look forward to following it.

A good friend of mine, Chuck Price, will be in Hogn Kong with you.

Todd Miller