Monday, May 04, 2009


I love to be around people with a positive attitude. I'll bet you do too.

I am blessed to know many who help to pick me up when I'm feeling down. One of those is
Pastor Larry. He is the pastor of First Congregational Church in Toledo. He's the type of guy who makes you feel better just being with him.

He sends out a weekly email and I received this from him last week:

I love Mondays and I’ll tell you why…Monday is an opportunity for a fresh start. In my case I dust my desk off…open the blinds and let the sunshine in…and I realize that I have an opportunity for a new beginning. Oh yes, I carry over some of the stuff from last week…but now that I have had a couple days to refresh myself…to worship an awesome God…I’ve gained new strength for a new week.

Can you imagine how hopeless life would be if Jesus had simply said, In this world you will have tribulation. But take heart? No, Jesus said, In this world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world!

That really fires me up for a new week. As 1 Corinthians 15:57 says, "But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ." This means, as a follower of Christ, you have victory over death, yes, but it also means so much more than that. It means you can have victory over anything that goes on in this life as well.

I realize that as I say this today, I know that some of you feel like your back is against the wall. You are wondering whether you will ever be able to let go of the fear in your heart. I have wonderful news for you today. It may not happen today…it may not happen next month even…but through the power of Jesus Christ working in your heart and life, you can let go of your fear. Perhaps your prayer should be something like this…I’ll take heart because Jesus has overcome my ______________________________________.

Being a follower of Christ means you can have victory over your fears…your failures…and your future…EVERYTHING!

I love a fresh start!
It was too good for me not to share. TGIM!


sharilyn said...

wow! LOVE this, jim! thanks so much for sharing...

Jim Lange said...

Sharilyn, thanks for the nice comment! It's easy to post these when I don't have to write them (LOL)! Make it a great week!

Michele Corbett said...

Hey Jim. Good stuff. I keep thinking I need to write a post about the desire of a cat ever since you made me famous in your cat post. Soon.

Jim Lange said...

Thanks Michelle! Let me know when you write that great post about the desire of a cat!