Wednesday, May 06, 2009


I have to admit it. I lack patience at times. I am pretty good when I am behind a slow truck or I'm stuck in the slowest line in the grocery store...well most of the time. Where I really struggle is waiting on God.

I have felt lately like I have been stuck in neutral and that nothing is happening. I know in my head this is not true as much is happening...good stuff is happening. However, I have this tremendous desire to see tangible progress every day. When I don't, this frustrates me. I feel like I am not doing all I can to "move the ball down the field." As if it were all up to me!

I read something last night that really rocked my world. It was in Henry Blackaby's book Experiencing God:

How long was it from the time that He spoke to Abram (later named Abraham) that Isaac, the child of promise, was born? Twenty-five years. Why did God wait twenty-five years? Because it took God twenty-five years? Because it took God twenty-five years to make a father suitable for Isaac. God was concerned, not so much about Abram, but about a nation. The quality of the father will affect the quality of all the generations that follow. As goes the father, so goes the next several generations. God took time to build Abram into a man of character. Abram had to begin to adjust his life to God's ways immediately. He could not wait until Isaac was born and then try to become the father God wanted him to be.

God speaks when He has purpose in mind for your life. We are so oriented to quick response that we abandon the word from God before He has a chance to develop our character.

I have to say that this passage hit me square between the eyes and the timing of it was perfect for me. I hope it is for you too.


sharilyn said...

great word, jim. i especially like the line: "We are so oriented to quick response that we abandon the word from God before He has a chance to develop our character." how true. we are so impatient to see things come about; sometimes we even try to "make it happen." (and look where that got Abraham and Sarah!)

you always have such inspiring and encouraging posts... would you mind if i mention your blog in one of my posts and link to you? i don't have a large readership but i'd like to share your blogsite...

Jim Lange said...

Sharilyn, thank you so much for your very kind have made my day. Of course you can put a link on your blog. I feel honored that you would consider that!