Monday, June 29, 2009

Are You A Porsche?

I love my wife. She has this incredible heart for others. This was exhibited to me, yet again, yesterday as she was watching a documentary about Farrah Fawcett who passed away last week. I kept hearing my wife say things like, "Oh, that poor thing" and "I can't believe she had to go through that..." Then they showed a journal that Farrah wrote in that had a cross on it followed by a picture of her with a cross on a necklace she was wearing.

Connie (my bride), in her hopeful enthusiasm, said, "I think she might have been a Christian!" My 13 year-old son Robbie then said, "Mom, just because she has a cross doesn't make her a Christian!"

Connie knows that, she just wants what's best for people. What we know in our family, including my son, is that we can get caught in the trap of believing we are Christians simply because we go to church or we own a bible. Believe me, we know this all too well as this is where we lived for many years of our lives.

I love what Joyce Meyer says about this. She says, "Going to church doesn't make you any more of a Christian than standing in your garage makes you a Porsche!"

It wasn't until I humbled myself and realized that I needed Christ in my life and invited Him in (almost 10 years ago) that I actually became a Christian. Then my family followed after that and our lives have been changed forever.

If you have not done this and would like to learn how or you would like to investigate this a little closer, I encourage you to check out this site which was done by my friend John Beckett.

Make it a great week!

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