Friday, September 11, 2009

Filled Up

I attended the funeral yesterday of my high school principal, Roy Becker. What an incredible guy!

He not only was my principal, but I also considered him a friend. While I was in school, and even after my high school years, he and I would occasionally play golf together. I remember thinking that golf was partly about scoring and mostly about how far I could hit the ball. Mr. Becker would simply dink it down the fairway, hit it up by the green, chip it close and make par while I flailed away trying to hit it a mile. He would continually beat me. Wisdom in action.

After I graduated, I became friends with his son Barry and we ended up working together for the same company for a few years.

Anyway, at yesterday’s service, all three of Barry’s children shared some things from their heart about what their Grandpa meant to them and how to have eternal life. They all did a great job!

Daniel, Barry’s second son, also spoke about how his Grandpa would continually make him feel great every time he was with him. He said that each time he would leave his Grandpa’s house, he felt “filled up.”

I thought that was an awesome thing to say. He felt filled up.

Wouldn’t that be a great thing that others might say about you at your funeral? “________ really filled me up whenever I was with them.”

Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.
1 Thessalonians 5:11

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