Thursday, September 10, 2009

Positive Attitude

Yesterday I got my haircut by Mari, a good friend of ours who has her own hair studio. I used to work with her and she now handles all of the Lange's hair.

She was telling me about her son Josh (I think he's in the 6th grade) who started school on Tuesday of this week. Josh is an athlete and hangs out with other athletes which is normal for kids of that age.

He was assigned to his home room and when he walked in he saw that none of his friends were in his room. In fact, most of the kids in his home room were not athletic at all and were part of a different crowd. Then he looked across the hall and all of his friends were in the other room slapping high fives because they were together.

He was obviously very disappointed. Mari, who was with him because it was orientation day, said she was heartbroken.

Josh grumbled about it several times over the next few minutes. Then as they walked out the door, Josh said to Mari, "Mom, I think I'll have to bring my football each day to school." Mari asked why he would want to do that and Josh replied, "So I can teach these kids how to throw. I think I'll have to step up this year and be a leader."

What a great attitude!

How often do we grumble about our circumstances rather than just sucking it up and making the best of it like Josh. I think we can all learn from this!

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.
Romans 8:28

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