Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Your True Boss

You thought you had a tough job. It’s all a matter of perspective (see picture above).

One of my favorite stores in the Toledo area is Monette’s Market. They have great lunch meat and terrific fruits and vegetables. And most of the time they offer great service.

There are usually 3-4 people working behind the deli meat counter. This area is separate from the other parts of the store because they keep it pretty cold in there. Even in the summer, working several hours under those conditions would produce a good chill in one’s bones. On top of the environmental issues, many a time, those working behind the glass have to deal with rude and irate customers. There have been times that I have been waiting and have been embarrassed because of the way a customer treated one of the workers.

Yet, most of the time these workers maintain great attitudes…even under duress. In fact, they look like they are enjoying what they are doing.

I am quite confident that these people didn’t get their high school diplomas and declare, “Yea! Now I can cut deli meat!” I am sure this is not their dream job. Yet, they serve with joy.

In Colossians 3:34-34, the apostle Paul wrote about this very thing when he penned, “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.”

The key word in my opinion in that verse is “whatever.” This means in everything we do, be it taking out the trash, changing that smelly diaper or playing with our kids.

So, do you like your job? Even if you don’t, if you can remember who your real Boss is, it might give you a different outlook and help you to serve with joy and enthusiasm.

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