Friday, August 14, 2009


Do you ever feel like the guy pictured above? I do, more than I'd like to admit.

This past Wednesday was one of those days. There is a lot of stuff going on right now--most of it really good stuff. However, it seems like it is all hitting at the same time. As a result, I have been a little stressed...particularly on Wednesday. I was feeling like I was in way over my head and maybe even a little out of control.

When I am like this, any little interruption seems like a huge deal and I oftentimes don't handle those well. For some reason this is particularly true if it is a family member who is doing the interrupting. Sad.

Anyway, God has been revealing to me that these little interruptions are oftentimes appointments that He has for me. He is telling me that I need to embrace these breaks in my schedule as being from Him and I need to trust Him that He will take care of my "stuff" I want to get done.

I know in my heart this is true. However, this is still a stretch for a task-oriented guy.

Anyway, it must be God, because yesterday afternoon (in the middle of the workday!), I spent three hours with my wife going around town looking at fixtures for our bathroom she is re-doing. That is proof that God can work with anyone!


Bradley J. Moore said...

Ok - Today I have spent almost the entire day (except for right now) shopping, cooking, driving my kids to and fro, and next will be going out to see a movie that my wife wanted to see. Lets just call it one big interruption to what I would have chosen to do today... Or is it? I think in the end I will have said it was a great day.

Yours is a good post - from another task-oriented individaul, let's keep perspective of what's really important. Relationships should always trump the tasks, right?

Jim Lange said...

Relationships should always trump tasks! Amen, Bradley!