Thursday, August 20, 2009


Yesterday morning I was leading our Truth At Work group that meets every third Wednesday of the month. In the first 60 minutes of our four hour time together we typically go through a case study which sheds Biblical truth on a business issue. This month I was to share a video which went along with a workbook each member has.

About 10 minutes into the video, I realized that the video did not match up with the outline in our books. I had a surge of panic go through my body. I had brought the wrong DVD! I immediately began to run down my list of options. None were very good.

So, I did something out of character for me. I just let it go.

At the end of the 40 minute video, I explained that I had obviously made a mistake. Everyone in the group seemed a little surprised because they each mentioned how awesome the message in the video was. In fact, they wanted to see parts 2 and 3 to the video I showed.

So even in my mistake, God used it for good. I hope I can remember this and regularly apply this to my life so that I can chill out and not fret about it when things don't go as I had planned!

For I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances.
Philippians 4:11b

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