Tuesday, August 11, 2009

What Do You Ask From A King?

In our Truth At Work roundtable group this morning, one of our members told a story that really stuck with me (the details might be a bit sketchy, but the point of it is still there!).

Apparently, years ago, Jack Nicklaus was playing golf in a foreign country with the king of that country. The king was so grateful after the round that he told Nicklaus that he wanted to give him a gift. Jack kept saying, "No, you don't need to give me anything."

Finally, someone from that country approached Nicklaus and told him, "You really need to accept a gift from the king. To not do so would be an insult."

The king said again, "Mr. Nicklaus, what would you like?"

Jack, not wanting to be too much trouble responded, "Well, how about a golf club?"

The king said, "It is done. I will give it to you before you leave."

The next morning Nicklaus awoke and went to say goodbye to the king. When he arrived, the king presented him with a deed to a golf club...18 holes and all!

So the moral of the story is this: In the presence of a king, don’t ask for small gifts.

Well, guess what? We are in the presence of a King at all times. So you know what to do!

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