Monday, August 17, 2009

Second Chance

I'll bet you can name five or six of them right now without even thinking. Celebrities, politicians or athletes who have been caught in some sort of scandal and denied it or blamed someone else. You probably even know some people personally who have done this. Heck, you may have even done this...I know I have.

I have to tell you that, even before his dog-fighting scandal, I have never been a huge Michael Vick fan. However, after this past weekend my opinion of him is rising.

I didn't see his interview on 60 Minutes last night but I did record it and plan on watching it soon. I did catch part of his press conference on Friday in which he was introduced as a new member of the Philadelphia Eagles.

I was impressed. Contrary to most people in the spotlight these days, I saw a guy who appeared to be genuinely sorry for his actions. I saw someone who humbly is accepting responsibility for his actions, is asking for forgiveness and is very grateful for a second chance.

Though there are still those who will not forgive him and are protesting his re admittance into the NFL, it's amazing what an attitude like that does to help public opinion. Imagine what that could do for you when you make a mistake.

When we make a mistake, we can learn from this and do the following things:
1. Admit it and accept responsibility.
2. Apologize to God and to those who were hurt and ask for forgiveness.*
3. Decide to repent and walk away from this action in the future.

*God will forgive us, but if the offended party doesn't forgive us, that is their issue. If we do these things, we are set free.

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